
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2012
ENSAYO PARA UNA NUEVA VISION DE LOS ZENUES,(COLOMBIA)ACADEMIA DE HISTORIA DE CORDOBA Como miembro de la Academia de Historia de Cordoba, el escritor, docente universitario y distinguido profesional del derecho,Dr.Humberto Bustos Fernandez, presentó su nuevo trabajo historiagráfico HACIA UNA NUEVA VISION DE LOS ZENUES. Segun nota escrita del señor Presidente de la Academia Colombiana de Historia,Dr. Enrique Gaviria Lievano,leida en sesión ordinaria, el libro del dinstinguido académico cordobés, fue presentado entre otros trabajos históricos recientes en la Reunión pasada de las Academias de Historia de América. Felicitacinoes.


DOLMATOFF Y SU TEORIA ACERCA DEL POBLAMIENTO DE AMERICA. En efecto Reichel Dolmatoff, puede considerarse como uno de los mas importantes constructores de teoría científica, en relacion con el interesante problegómeno del poblamiento de América. Dolmatoff a mi juicio da el mas importante paso de construcción del poblamiento, al establcer y determinar un proceso sistémico,cuya secuencia, es racionalmente coherente y verificable por la experimentación, donde se aplica incuestionablemente el método científico. Ha partir de las teorías del poblamiento por el Norte, -paso del estrecho de Bering, y del Sur, provenientes de la Polinesia, Dolmatoff señala en generaL que el Caribe y centroamérica se convirtió en un inmenso corredor,porel cual transitaría de uno y otro lado los primeros pobladores. Tal afirmación explica y encaja en otra construcción científica, tambien indiscutida y particularmente sostenida por el materialismo historico de Marx y Engel, cuando ubican al fenómeno sociológico de
History of the Zenú Amerindians. RACE DAY ONE REASON FOR COMPENSATION The October 12, 1492 there is the discovery of America. estantandarte the ships with the Spanish, touch American soil. At that time, especially for humanity, for it is transcendent as being held for the first time more widespread recognition of the blockade globe and begins to collapse all the theories that viewed the earth as a huge plane. From day it is should be revalued, the heliocentric theory is at the forefront of scientific discussion, the planets revolve around the Sun, and these in turn revolve around its own axis (rotation) while paths described orbits, called (motion of translation.), The Discovery of America is the fundamental test of sphericity. Then Europe because America, the physical possibility of completing his knowledge of the world. But Europeans have asked this century, as represented as an accelerator for the Great Industrial Revolution of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the huge carg
INSTITUTION "ACTION AGAINST HUNGER". UN-FAO-ANDRES GUARD LEEWARD ZENU.SAN vehicles observe this global organization, with its extra long antennae, placed on the bumpers of their powerful 4x4 trucks, scrolling by urban and rural areas of our country. I wonder how many times have come, the moody landscapes, stationed on either side of the winding roads through the guard of San Andrés de Sotavento, MEXION territory and Zenú ancestral home town. I wonder ACTION AGAINST HUNGER will have given much assistance to our communities? figure the natives of this vast region in their programs? FAO is aware of its existence and its necessity. It has aired on an international intolerable neglect, in which the Colombian state has. these communities, which may represent the most proud bastion of national identity. THE O.N.U. does the same to repair injury to both his wealth, and so much offense to his dignity? The same Spain and Europe through you should be ashamed of their silence than 5 cent
June 1 GUSTAVO PETRO. "The Lone Ranger" Gustavo Petro, the tireless and formidable opposition senator, the man who for 7 years from the Colombian Parliament, fought a fair fight with the most powerful president in South America, Uribe Velez, denouncing as drug trafficking seize the state and Colombian society, seems to have been only once, dared to denounce the corruption within his own party, in the administration of Samuel Moreno. He gave battle in the POLO and when those closed ranks around the back of the first district officer, proceeded to give up the party. What happened to CAMILO GONZALEZ Poso, and all the intellectual left,? they did not dare to take the next step, hoping to consolidate in a city hall, perhaps the most corrupt few have noticiado in the country. That left waiting bureaucratic imposts, 1 -) Not left, 2 -) should join who was its undisputed leader and will remain in the country by nucho time yet. MUST BE DREAMING A NEW PARTY dr. Petro: It occurs to me o
" CUERPOS DE AGUA" de Martha Lucía Lugo."REVISTA EL BOCACHICO LETRADO." No soy crítico de Literatura, regularmnte no opino sobre trabajos de los demás. , . Me llama poderosamente la atención el alto nivel intelectual, de las dos tertulias conque hoy cuenta la Perla del Sinú, nuestra ciudad de Montería, que valga la pena ha cambiado su ropaje, con prendas nuevas de fino acabado, decorando parques y avenidas con materas gigantes y arbolitos ornamentales, jardines de granados florecidos que le muestran un aire de ciudad romántica, a la nueva cara de Montería. Puesto en mis manos el último ejemplar de la Revista " El Bocachico Letrado", me encontré con un artículo de la escritora MARTHA LUCIA LUGO VILLADIEGO que tituló " CUERPOS DE AGUA" . Es tal vez el escrito mas perfecto de cuantos se han escrito en el Sinú. Toda la exuberancia de la poesía ha sido vertida en esa construcción idílica , con la medida y precisión exacta con que se pesa un gra
SUPPORT FOR A NEW CAMPAIGN PETRO A citizen who worked in Bogota, with merits of a good citizen, has just joined the campaign of Petro. it is nothing hands of the citizen who holds greater civic actions by Bogota. 1. Guardianship ADVOCACY GROUPS OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT USERS OF BOGOTA. They remember the human clusters, as detartalados buses on a street in Bombay. , well this city, began the great transformation of Bogota!. IS DR. HUMBERTO FERNANDEZ BUSTS. That's nothing, remember year 95 DATACREDIT O AND DATA BANKS, the famous blacklisted defaulters., PROTECTION AGAINST THE DATA BANKS AGAINST Datacrédito FAILED. GUARDIANSHIPS ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL RIGHTS GROUPS IN AMERICA. That same citizen stated publicly - that he most honored to assume that PETRO important challenge. Here we do not have to look who is the candidate, who denounced the gigantic fraud.! That had the civil courage to face the powerful of this country - should be the Mayor of Bogota, have the opportunity to choo
Between Bolivar and Santander. A neogranadino digressions! That history has been unfair with Santander. This formidable national hero who the current Colombian, we owe so much that we invariably consider as the true father of his country. I'm sure estamosa not usurping the title of the Liberator, as the liberator he was 5 and nations and that is glory enough, and honorable title that surpasses made by other heroes, without for that reason neglect ignoring history stages and moments of the same, in which the wisest man of the New Granada, and the most lucid of his generals, gallantly opposed unwaivable compromise the independence of the neogradaninos, who by the will of the representatives of VENEZUELA the province, aiming to convert to New Granada in a new territory to be called Colombia, express will of the Liberator Bolivar, and the famous constitution of ANGOSTURA THE YEAR 1819 which practically annexed de facto, under the absolute authority a liberator CHAIRMAN the Viceroyalty
THE BLACK MARINE Ved stone and stunning cliff! listen to the melodious decant the water! turn back and gather the steps / that measured the distance / from our childhood bitter. II you look in the mirror of yesterday, / for you retrospectado and /'re so sharp the image / tan your body, lithe and slender! Remember III companion black black donkey friend lent us / the old Jose Hilario / to lower the water, the well of Government / all, toditas morning. IV black remember, the short pants and shirt rumpled. Remember / - of all peel and all pranks
FERNANDO GARCIA MAYORGA Doctor. "A LONG WALK CONSTITUTIONAL 1812-1991" ACH Interesting lecture in the auditorium of the University Corporation CECAR, the city of Monteria, issued the notorious constitutional historian, professor emeritus of several capital's universities, Dr. FERNANDO GARCIA MAYORGA. The conference theme was certainly complex: "A long journey from 1812-1991 constitutional" provided a large audience, and to enlist balconies. Indeed the curriculum of the speaker is justified splendor, as to be unraveling the ball of what has been our republican framework, through the desenredos to do among so swell reformatory. Regional constitutions that retained the figure of the deposed monarch, on condition impossible, "always to come to rule in these towns" and the three-way division of public authority, conception of the French Enlightenment, the first block of constitution of cities and provinces New Granada, was presented by the distinguished spe
ACADEMY OF HISTORY OF COLOMBIA AND A NEW VISION OF Zenues An interesting historical research performed Córdoba lawyer and historian, Dr. Humberto Fernandez Bustos on one of the oldest cultures of the Colombian Caribbean coast. This is the Zenú Culture, known for its importance in the development of the metallurgy of gold, considered by the experts in the field, as one of the highest grade on the continent and whose pieces are found in most museums imporantes world. The approach developed by the researcher is novel in both plot architecture arises founded the thesis that Zenú culture developed in the plains of Colombian Caribbean, is the first and foremost found by the Spanish culture in America. The approach supported by various historical records of the chroniclers of Indian, for which ancient writings had compiled more than 4 centuries, will unveil the mists of pre-Columbian history and conquest of America in its first phase, showing in effect as not only possible, their hypothesis,
THE GREAT DEBATE BY THE MAYOR OF BOGOTA. , All arrived on time, minus that cre {ia winner: Peñalosa. Must come last as it was the only expected by journalists!. That pod-including babyfood was with child hair-London, our former vice president!. as they say the ambush against Petro, was well planned with bul-dog and all. The mainstream press can not leave anything out of control. The scene had two reporters in female representation, inevitable part of the show put on by the Colombian TV. The first keen to reveal to the public, that information Nule to Petro-halgo was because there was between the two. He spoke in dollars-more like the stage was for her and not to those interviewed, his tone was also very bright and intellectual skills of low-level, at least if you saw it in the shed. As for the second, I forget the name, but it is brilliant TV presenter, did not shine nor the intelligence of their questions, and through them to create opportunities for analysis, with relevant considerat
THE MAYOR OF BOGOTA, PETRO IN THE PARLOR OF THE PRESIDENCY OF COLOMBIA Congratulations people of Bogota, has once again shown that the force of public opnion, disrupts the most complex structures of the electoral machinery, buying of votes and regaladoras of perks . Bogota and his opinion was unveiled and punished the plots of the great extrategas of regional policy of compromise behind closed doors, they were able to reduce to a minimum to a disoriented Mockus who grabbed his Green Party in a cruel and Peñalosa candidate ruthless maneuver, which stuck to the opportunist Garzon, leaving the non-party and without a good number of enthusiastic followers. Following the policy of the fallen drop you, knowing that in any case - this man had an office in Bogota, in a move Parody almost political chess master of evil, thus killing two birds with one stone, - took away the votes had been Mockus, - pass-Petro restándoselos because ultimately these votes would be in this last, and proceeded as i
ELECTED TO A CHARGE Zenú Bogota Mayor GUSTAVO PETRO elected Mayor in the capital of Colombia: Bogotá, hails from the town of Cienaga de Oro, in the lower Sinu, Cordoba Departasmento, ancestral home of the communities Indians called Zenues that roamed throughout the Colombian Caribbean. It is a source of pride for Orenses. or Loranos-from the "Loro" as heard proverbially among its people, the public market of the city, one of his sons, raised in one of the cities Zipas precisely Zipaquirá reach such an honorable position. The biblical parable of Joseph, no repeats in the sands of Egypt, but in the cold altiplanice Bogota, only this time there was no sale of the eminent young man, but adoption, which justifies a fortiori the lofty appointment. Bustos Fdo.Humberto Fernndez
SAN PEDRO SANTA MARTA.VILLA ALEJANDRINO.MAUSOLEO CRITICISM OF TREMENDOUS LIBERTADOR Cordovan historian, dr. Humberto Bustos Fernndez in his interesting TEST FOR A NEW VISION OF Zenúes, where the historian gives a hit that baseball fans, called TREBAY, since in addition to starting a devastating criticism against those who think that the Caribbean Ethnicity Zenú, could eventually be any ethnicity of the pile, one enters hundreds more who inhabited the Caribbean litoreño, the position of this culture as the first and most important of America, explaining the reasons detailed architecture inwhichthe argument is founded its approach, as well as explain how this culture became the original base, from which descend the present inhabitants of five coastal departments. The simultaneous double bases, to criticize the socio-economic phenomenon of the primitive accumulation of capital, without which the philosopher Marx is busy, the vast resources of precious metals exaccionó Europe to America, a
Zenues. TEST FOR A NEW VISION OF Zenues. RESEARCH Zenues. the latest research on Zenues called TEST FOR A NEW VISION OF Zenues "of a member of the Academy of History Cordoba.En it raises the importance of this ethnic group, their role in the conquest of America, as a supply center of food and agricultural pantry continente.El historian makes the first compilation of ancient writings, on the chroniclers, who refirierona the "Wider UNSC", a name with which the Spanish conquerors met our region. presents a thesis more complete and matured, the First American Horticultural culture, crossing historical data collected from actual ancient texts and modern scientific research Dolmatoff, Clemencia Plazas and Anna Maria Falcetti, among others, and reveals for the 'first time underlying a niche that had gone unnoticed by researchers in the mists of ancient history, which is the categorical statement of the chronicler Pedro Simon, who said flatly that the cultivation of maize ca
AS ADDRESSING THE PEACE PROCESS IN COLOMBIA NATIONAL SOLUTION TO PROBLEMS TEST: Much has been peace in the last 30 years: We've been three decades in a row, talking about it, without having matured main arrays, or general guidelines, primal-opted the structural basis of a process, therefore something must having the multiplicity of negative experiences, where we did not get anything, and another proposed lot. ADDRESSING AS A PEACE PROCESS. is the most interesting approach for novice critical thinkers reality of the country: After re-reading mountains of paper on the matter, has been removed irresponsibly cxaprichosos under the heads of state, who have led this country. No one has taken seriously, nor democratic accountability, as patriotic task undertaken, as is to provide their fellow citizens the most basic of rights, which is none other than peaceful coexistence, within a regime of freedom, security, solidarity, fraternity and democracy plena.La happiness of peoples, their quiet
RISSO BENJAMIN DIAZ - "THE BOLD AND THE STRAND" .. If the very guapachosa and salsómana Barranquilla, a full day left in foundling springs 16 or 17, who would be one of its most distinguished sons, Antonio Mora velez, prolific writer in various genres, and we sent him on a bus full of hope to the city of Monteria., around the same time and by the law of compensation, which is divine law, will ship from San Andres de Sotavento, "another jewel" of those who, like the Mora Velez, all adults that time, avergozaban to take home. The Poor malquerido Chule with his son, - the "Mincho" - I boarded a bus to Barranquilla, in charge of not return him until hell will not appease those of Marxism that he had made up his mind. The Mincho Barranquila arrived, managed to enter the Free, and enrolled in law school. This apparent success of savanna corroncho if that was worse scorn for the Family. In that university stirred up everyone, dismissed the Dean of the faculty, he
books of the Colombian Caribbean coast. "A NEW VISION OF Zenues" It circulates in the libraries of Santa Marta, Cartagena, Barranquilla, Monteria and Sincelejo the most recent historical research on the Zenues. The author presents new insights and new formulations of the paramount role of this community in the Colombian Caribbean. Among its revelations is perhaps the most important made ​​in recent times, that went unnoticed by all historians: ELCultivo maize, the staple food worldwide originated in the "Wider Cenu" in the Colombian Caribbean , formulation based on the assertion of some of the Spanish chroniclers, who is the first categorically, to 1600 states that the crop came from South America, Fray pedro simon. The research is based on research and scientific findings Dolmatoff widely known-is the first determiner of vegetable cultures of America, those of paleontology, and early metallurgy clemency Falcetti Squares and Ana Maria crossed with the investigati
THE WORK OF ADRIANO SOSSA RIVERS IN LORICA. MONUMENTAL SCULPTURE I was in the town of Lorica, the land of the chief and third Orika the Spanish mainland people baptized in America, 1501-1509, San Jose-Orika, reported in Summa of Geography, Ojeda issued after San Sebastian Urabá and Santa Maria la Antigua del Darién.Caían the shadows of the night on the town and lit lamps at the same time and in the parks and from concrete poles has planted all along the river avanida, light electrical storm showed the sublime as a long mirror, whose ends are undían in the most impenetrable darkness. There from the north, and flows into the sea, the first Europeans to land the BIG UNSC in search of gold earrings Earrings and the Indians traded for Espejillos and stained glass. He was fascinated with the evocation, when I saw on the right side of the wall where the very old Agricultural Bank building, a reinforced wall on grids, representing different scenes in the old city market. When I approached th
TRIAL TO NOTARIES. Embezzlement of public property and CITIZENS SCAMS in this country that blew so much has happened nefarious, that one more does not mean anything. Yesterday the major Colombian newspapers denounced as through the Notaries, sites, which should be sacred niches where public faith rests immaculate. politicians and paramilitaries had taken over large parts of the country. Relate 600,000 hectares, which is to say that are at least one million hectares. The President has announced that it will investigate defalcadores Notaries. No fishing only have to investigate, create a search block to detect the frauds gaandes additionally state surveillance placing these establishments! Who said all Notaries are no grounds, or worse Notary own! where you can make and redress wrongs, as reyesuelos arcane universe, we need to introduce an amendment to the Superintendency of Notaries and Registration. superintendent who has nothing. The notaries are the vital center of society itsel
NATIONAL FEDERATION OF TRADE UNIONS AND PUBLIC EMPLOYEES-FENASINTRAP 4 decades ago about an old building in downtown Bogota, perhaps because of the race 3 with lane 8, worked for that time, in 1970 a central organized workers who gathered as its name says all the major unions in public enterprises in Colombia. We, Campo Elias Lozano and I university students from the Caribbean coast, visiting RAFEL PEDROZA AND MANUEL boy in the then President and Vice President of Fenansintrap. We no money in their pockets, but preaching the worker-student aliaza, frequented the house working to gain the experience of struggle, imbued with the cause of the proletariat and understand their aspirations and programs. Pedroza and Manuel and many others that memory does not remember entering the mists of the past, were of course a formidable leaders, strong personality and an outstanding attitude convener, around which hundreds of 'trade union leaders from all regions of the country, lived their excit
THE HAY FESTIVAL OF LITERATURE IN CARTAGENA Interesting show the Pleiades, which handles the literature in Colombia. Very good for the very good and interesting lectures on theater, art and Latin American literature in all its cultural manifestations. concerts, recitals, talks. and conferences. Very good for the socialization of culture, but very bad for the ignorance of the writers of the Coast, and who are not left or to mediate in a reprint as enpoderadas peaks of the stale rooms, the very distinguished city of Cartagena de Indies. I saw a troop of officials of the Ministry of culture, taken for each input and piñata the top of the stalls is: the happy fun chatting spent more than an opportunist by becoming a writer, hobnobbing with the guests, or participating in the reality as speaker, interviewee, which can not miss an event of this nature. Some have "pedigree" with honorary titles as expresindentes-which is not enough for first-starring in the festival, believing even
THE CONQUEST OF AMERICA AND THE ROLE OF DETERMINANT Zenues The most recent historical research of the Colombian Caribbean, on the conquest of America, changed the picture of the role that met the various aboriginal peoples in that giant leap for mankind. The author in his book: TEST FOR A NEW VISION OF Zenúes, a contrario the bulk of historians, which favors the Aztecs, Incas and Mayans, positions the Zenú Race, as the most important factor in the process of exchange and penetration to the continent, not only for being the first American Horticultural culture, but one of the oldest as confirmed by anthropological studies and early metallurgy, contain within their territory the most fertile valleys, lakes and rivers whose wealth is unparalleled , but also because of there left as a beachhead and niche formation, the great explorers of the continent, verb and grace, Rodrigo de Bastidas, Juan de la Cosa, Alonso de Ojeda, Basque Nunes de Balboa, discoverer of the South Sea, Nicueza Diego M
Economic theories COLOMBIANOS.TEORIA CHAIN AND PLATE BIKE. SUBSYSTEM ENGRANICO COLCIENCIAS is a theory formulated by a Colombian thinker, that addressing the problem of work in Colombia, developing from a mechanical connection between the chain drive of a bicycle and multiple plates of the same, a very original approach . The author points to the drive chain as the mechanism that may be regarded as the labor contract system and the productive power of the bike course, regimes function as socialist or capitalist production. Thus the driving mechanism of the bicycle made by the system piñonería and drive chain, ie the labor-contracting system subject to a new conditioning of the legal framework could be applied indiscriminately to regimes with different economic systems operate successfully for any of them. By transforming from the social activism of the contracting legal framework would apply in fact SUCCESSFUL SOCIAL experince RULES ON CONTRACT, WHICH HAVE BEEN PROVEN AS EFFECTIVE IN H
colciencias and economic theory of subsystem .. humberto engránico colciencias busts is an institution designed for the prospective futurological colombiana.El epistemological knowledge and scientific research that generates new formulations will consider therefore attempts paradigmas.El creative new approach theoretical, based on the mechanical analogy of relationship between the chain drive of a bicycle, its mechanism of way and the dishes of the same, applied social sciences, in this case to the economy, it is seen as valid, so that the author addresses one of the most complex paradigms of the twentieth century is that the axiom goes down for so long regarded as stable, that mode of production-economic and political regime are syncretics and monolithic in each stage are concatenated. This explains the dialectical materialism to explain in turn the historical evolution of societies and ways of produccion.Por example: A socilista regime, it will be a socialist mode of production in th
THE HAY FESTIVAL OF LITERATURE IN CARTAGENA Interesting show the Pleiades, which handles the literature in Colombia. Very good for the very good and interesting lectures on theater, art and Latin American literature in all its cultural manifestations. concerts, recitals, talks. and conferences. Very good for the socialization of culture, but very bad for the ignorance of the writers of the Coast, and who are not left or to mediate in a reprint as enpoderadas peaks of the stale rooms, the very distinguished city of Cartagena de Indies. I saw a troop of officials of the Ministry of culture, taken for each input and piñata the top of the stalls is: the happy fun chatting spent more than an opportunist by becoming a writer, hobnobbing with the guests, or participating in the reality as speaker, interviewee, which can not miss an event of this nature. Some have "pedigree" with honorary titles as expresindentes-which is not enough for first-starring in the festival, believing even