RISSO BENJAMIN DIAZ - "THE BOLD AND THE STRAND" .. If the very guapachosa and salsómana Barranquilla, a full day left in foundling springs 16 or 17, who would be one of its most distinguished sons, Antonio Mora velez, prolific writer in various genres, and we sent him on a bus full of hope to the city of Monteria., around the same time and by the law of compensation, which is divine law, will ship from San Andres de Sotavento, "another jewel" of those who, like the Mora Velez, all adults that time, avergozaban to take home. The Poor malquerido Chule with his son, - the "Mincho" - I boarded a bus to Barranquilla, in charge of not return him until hell will not appease those of Marxism that he had made up his mind. The Mincho Barranquila arrived, managed to enter the Free, and enrolled in law school. This apparent success of savanna corroncho if that was worse scorn for the Family. In that university stirred up everyone, dismissed the Dean of the faculty, held a national strike, when the only unemployment that could be done was a regional one., Was advisor of the big unions of the Atlantic, and later his lawyer and consultant . Who would believe it. ! After countless difficulties in a circuitous career starts, the young mincho acquired the powers of an honorable man, a formidable thinker, full time revolutionary and rebellious of all establishments. Cordoba had ceded to the Atlantic and Bolivar, in consideration of Mora Vélez sent to us, the "Mincho" another jewel in high carat, both senior educators. Today Atlantic University has among its payroll as teachers, and students enjoy a wise teacher, whose solid conceptual structure in various fields of culture and law, many would envy. Attest to the witness of life, is a recognition of his talent. I remember a story, including the aforementioned character: It met all representandes national powers of the Free University. I acted as a representative of the board Bogota.,! which was my surprise when I watched the Mincho enter the auditorium leading the delegation of Barranquilla, "I said you doing here?" - I replied to the point: I am from the direction of the Congress-citante We melted into a hug, then together, we climbed the stairs and the Great Assembly dirijimos!. A month later the great STUDENT MOVEMENT 71. We were with Marcelo Torres LINE CHINA, in various streams of the movement, later in 1990, directed and made possible the Constituent Assembly of 1990. Rereading the "BOLD AND THE STRAND" a small but great treasure of solid conceptual architecture, to the point where the top match the great problems of philosophy between good and evil., My friend always, the Mincho Risso, leaves his iconoclastic response, to die of laughter, with the action of its central character, when the grandmother tells the black, as stated with rational reason - his prologue: "Come here, you will be left on Devil. "(who goes to a corner of the mountain, near the house) ... and she replied: "Let me go-no fuck pa estriparle head, and burn your ass with this tuft! fdo. Humberto Bustos Fernandez. 06/01/2012.