THE CONQUEST OF AMERICA AND THE ROLE OF DETERMINANT Zenues The most recent historical research of the Colombian Caribbean, on the conquest of America, changed the picture of the role that met the various aboriginal peoples in that giant leap for mankind. The author in his book: TEST FOR A NEW VISION OF Zenúes, a contrario the bulk of historians, which favors the Aztecs, Incas and Mayans, positions the Zenú Race, as the most important factor in the process of exchange and penetration to the continent, not only for being the first American Horticultural culture, but one of the oldest as confirmed by anthropological studies and early metallurgy, contain within their territory the most fertile valleys, lakes and rivers whose wealth is unparalleled , but also because of there left as a beachhead and niche formation, the great explorers of the continent, verb and grace, Rodrigo de Bastidas, Juan de la Cosa, Alonso de Ojeda, Basque Nunes de Balboa, discoverer of the South Sea, Nicueza Diego Martin Fernandez de Enciso, Francisco Pizarro who discovered Peru and Hordaz Diego, who as lieutenant, accompanied Hernan Cortes in the conquest of Maxico, maintains the theory of agricultural Pantry, for which the region " Great Cenu "as the Spanish called it, was the basis for sustaining food of the first cities, and skilled labor needed for food production, as confirmed by various and systematic historical records left by the chroniclers of indias.llama attention to its interesting revelation, unnoticed by most historians, in which Pedro Simon says categorically that the cultivation of maize, the staple food world today comes from the South American continent, allowing you to make a new thesis focusing on such cultivation, could come from that region. As it becomes effective Zenú culture in the new historical context of America.