Economic theories COLOMBIANOS.TEORIA CHAIN AND PLATE BIKE. SUBSYSTEM ENGRANICO COLCIENCIAS is a theory formulated by a Colombian thinker, that addressing the problem of work in Colombia, developing from a mechanical connection between the chain drive of a bicycle and multiple plates of the same, a very original approach . The author points to the drive chain as the mechanism that may be regarded as the labor contract system and the productive power of the bike course, regimes function as socialist or capitalist production. Thus the driving mechanism of the bicycle made by the system piñonería and drive chain, ie the labor-contracting system subject to a new conditioning of the legal framework could be applied indiscriminately to regimes with different economic systems operate successfully for any of them. By transforming from the social activism of the contracting legal framework would apply in fact SUCCESSFUL SOCIAL experince RULES ON CONTRACT, WHICH HAVE BEEN PROVEN AS EFFECTIVE IN HUMAN SOCIETIES who have preceded us. Rules that would allow a distribution of income and wages in equity, adjusted to ncesidades of contemporary man, and as a function of their relationships with family, society and state. This system would ensure the perception of pay equity, having regard to the responsibility of the worker from his family, society and obligations to the state. Grantizaría stability relations colciencias laborales.Para's friends, a recipe book.